1. Preparation of 250 mL M/80 standard Na2CO3 solution


Mass, w of Na2CO3 to be weighed for the preparation of solution

w = 1 x 106 x 250 = 0.3312 g

80 x 1000

Mass of empty weighing bottle = X =
Mass of weighing bottle and Na2CO3 = Y =
Mass of weighing bottle after transfer = Z =
Actual mass of Na2CO3 transfer = w1 = (y-z) = 0.0000 g

2. Titration of standard Na2CO3 solution against HCl


Solution in burette = HCl

Solution in titrating flask = V1= 20 mL standard Na2CO3

Indicator used = methyl orange

End point = yellow to orange

S.No. Burette reading Volume of HCl used
Initial Final
Concordant volume (V2) :  mL

3. Titration of given Na2CO3 solution against HCl solution.


Solution in burette = HCl

Solution in titrating flask = V3=20 mL of given Na2CO3 solution

Indicator used = methyl orange

End point = yellow to orange

S.No. Burette reading Volume of HCl used
Initial Final
Concordant volume (V4) :  mL
1. Molarity of standard Na2CO3 solution:
M1 = w1 x 1000/(molar mass x V)
M1 = 0.0000 x 1000/106 x 250
M1 0.0000 M
2. Molarity of given HCl solution:
M1 V1 / n1 = M1 V1 / n1
(Standard Na2CO3)

n1 = 1;

n2 = 2
M2 = M1 x V1 x n2

   V2 x n1

M2 =  M
3. Molarity of given Na2CO3 solution
M3 V3 x 2 = M2 V4 x 1
(Given Na2CO3) (HCl)
M3 = M2 x V4


M3 =  M
Strength of the given Na2CO3 will therefore be = M3 x 106 =
The Strength of given Na2CO3 solution is = g L-1